Photography started as a way to clear my mind of stress that came with the unknowns of the early COVID-19 pandemic. It is a meditative experience for me. I find peace by tuning everything out except for what I see through my lenses. Much like painting, it gives me peace. I like to shoot unique indoor spaces, nature, buildings, and urban life. I also like to explore line and texture in my photographic work. Follow @drehasacamera for more.

Mood Music

Her Hat

When The Shoes Be Shoes'in

Untitled Metal Structure 3

Step by Step

Chain Linked

Fences 2

Dead in The Middle

Constitution Plaza Bridge

Constitution Plaza Bridge 2


Capital Ave Detour

Even Other Times

Sunset at Constitution Plaza

First Church and Gold Building

Boat Building (Constitution Plaza) 2

Seeing Spots

Travelers Building

Park St. Fire Escape

Green House

Dracaena 2


Dracaena Leaves

Untitled (Branch)

Be Still in Rough Water

Sunset at Nepaug Damn

An Evening in Vermont

Be Still in Rough Water (Color)

Beacons at The Riverfront
